Three ways you can help support great British manufacturing

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Take a stroll down London’s Saville Row or ramble around Northampton and you will have no shortage of evidence that Britain leads the world when it comes to dashing bespoke attire and the finest handmade footwear to hit pavements. But that is just the tip of the toecap when it comes to superior quality design and manufacturing on British shores.

Inspirational! This 88 year old is the bravest former cop, soldier and linguist I’ve ever met.

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When you are nearing 90, will you still have the miraculous glint that you see in the piercing blue eyes of war hero John Bosley and will you be able to mesmerise an audience as you recount events from long ago with precise detail? The warmth in his voice; the articulate use of words; and the modesty intersected by humour and a smile that is childlike in its innocence disguise the horrors that John witnessed sixty nine years ago.

Fighting fraud through crowdsourcing and the correct systems

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David Clarke is Today Translations' Translation Security Assurance Officer and a trustee of the UK's independent fraud watchdog, the Fraud Advisory Panel (FAP). For a down to earth view on what the economic downturn means for you as a potential victim of fraud, take a look at the annual review published by the FAP. Let us be clear, we are living in a period of great uncertainty and face dangers that rival those of the 1930s and the Great Depression.

You and I need this protection – ASAP

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A major initiative I’ve worked on with the Fraud Advisory Panel for the past 18 months revealed how awfully difficult and distressing it is for victims to recover their losses following a fraud. Hope is now to be found in a series of 16 recommendations that were published today. Having spent most of my life trying to protect citizens and businesses from the cruel, cunning actions of criminals it is not something I could drop when the time came to surrender my police powers.