Looking Forward: Digital Humans on Health and Well-being

Human connection is vital for our health and well-being. It fosters a sense of belonging, provides emotional support, and encourages healthy behaviours. But what happens when forging real-life connections is difficult? Here, the concept of ‘digital humans’ enters the conversation, offering us a glimpse into the future of health and well-being.


Globally, loneliness has become a growing concern, particularly among young generations who are most susceptible to mental illnesses. As a result, many in China have turned to AI companions for support.

Replika, a chatbot companion with customisable avatars, provides users with a safe space for intimate conversations without judgement. A study of 1,006 Replika users found that 90% of them, who often reported loneliness, felt they received adequate social support through the app.

Furthermore, 3% of users reported that Replika helped them overcome suicidal tendencies. This highlights the potential of AI companions in addressing serious mental health issues.

Here are several factors that contribute to Replika’s success:

  • Providing a non-judgmental space: As a non-human entity, Replika offers a safe space for emotional expression and venting, akin to a counsellor without the fear of judgement or gossip.
  • Accessibility: In a highly globalised world, virtual support via AI chatbots is readily and remotely available, overcoming potential geographical and financial limitations.
  • Offering a personalised development: The model learns from user interactions, tailoring responses and fostering personal development as the AI is fed with personal information.
  • Fostering empathy and trust: Replika’s ability to generate empathetic responses helps users resonate with the AI, building trust and dependence.


The benefits of digital human avatars extend far beyond friendship. The L&D (Learning and Development) and construction industries, for instance, can leverage avatars to deliver crucial safety information and training to workers.

For instance, Evernoon can create a virtual instructor demonstrating proper lifting techniques on a construction site, or a healthcare avatar explaining complex medical procedures to patients in a clear and relatable way. Avatars can also be programmed to speak multiple languages, cater to different learning styles, and even provide personalised feedback – all factors that contribute to improved knowledge retention and ultimately, a safer, healthier work environment.


The future of digital human communication is brimming with possibilities. Advancements in AI will allow digital human avatars to become even more sophisticated, capable of recognising and responding to emotions in real-time.

For instance, a virtual therapist can be powered to conduct a session that tailors its approach based on the patient’s facial expressions and vocal cues. In the L&D space, avatars could be programmed to create immersive simulations that place workers in realistic scenarios, allowing them to practise their skills in a safe, controlled environment.


However, avatars that lack authenticity or come across as overly promotional can be counterproductive. The key lies in creating avatars that are relatable, informative, and designed with the specific needs of the target audience in mind, which is a service offered by Evernoon.

When used thoughtfully, digital human avatars have the potential to revolutionise the way we approach mental health support, workplace safety training, customer services, and many other areas.


The human element will always be irreplaceable. Yet, in a world increasingly reliant on technology, digital human avatars offer a valuable tool to bridge the gap between the potential offered by technology and human’s responsibilities and foster a sense of well-being within our communities.

Whether it’s a virtual friend combating loneliness or an avatar ensuring worker safety, the benefits brought by these players are evident. As AI technology continues to evolve, the possibilities for digital human avatars in promoting health and well-being are truly exciting and beyond imaginable.

Wangyuan (Ruby) Qu is a Communications Executive at Evernoon. She is also a Masters student at the University of Oxford, focusing on contemporary China’s economic and technological development as well as the booming AI market.